Douglas Pryor 3-Part Presentation

Douglas Pryor 3-Part Presentation

on Sunday January 23, 2022, chasing and repousse artist Douglas Pryor presented to the Monterey Bay Metal Arts Guild at our free-to-attend annual Winter Party

Special Guest Speaker Douglas Pryor

Douglas Pryor is a raising and chasing artist located in northern California. He began sculpting in sheet metal in 2005 by creating fully articulated steel suits of armor for full contact sports, which in fact was how he paid for college. Frustrated with the limited detail and relief that shaping stakes could provide, he began to incorporate sculpting with pitch in 2013 and felt like he had found what he had been missing. As he continues to build upon his technical ability, he enjoys making more room for narrative with his work. Each piece is an opportunity to sate curiosity and a chance to build a bridge to others in a meaningful way.

Douglas Pryor Artist Statement

As a method-driven artist, I use my compositions to explore ways to push the limitations of a single piece of material with only human power and hand tools. I take particular delight in pursuing challenging and realistic detail in high-relief metal sculpture. I use my work to explore the nuanced and evolving relationship between humans and the natural world, and the ways that we connect with ourselves and each other.

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