FREE to MBMAG Members
Monday July 27, 2020 at 4 pm via Zoom
Preregistration required.
Space limited to 99 participants.
MBMAG members can see the video of this presentation here
Last week’s fantastic presentation on Social Media for Artists was a great introduction to the world of selling on Social Media. Next we’ll dive into the world of Instagram as MBMAG presents another free Zoom event for members. Nicole will share her secrets for selling jewelry on Instagram. With 115,000 followers on her Instagram account, Nicole has shown that social media can indeed extend a jeweler’s reach.
The presentation will be held via Zoom. You must pre-register, and you must be a member of MBMAG to attend. Once you are registered, we will send you the link and password for the Zoom meeting. Our Zoom room is limited to 99 participants, plus Nicole. First come, first served!
You do not have to have attended the first presentation to enjoy this one, although we recommend that you read through the first presentation PowerPoint slides.