Registration Now Open!
Alison Antelman Workshop
February 3-5, 2017
We are excited to announce Alison Antelman in a 3-day workshop, ‘Engineering Your Way Out”, MBMAG’s first workshop of the year.
Develop your ability to solve jewelry fabrication problems and learn solutions to common design and fabrication challenges. Design and create a hinged bracelet or necklace. Students create a “map” of their project, learn to make irregular shaped bezel settings for unusually shaped stones, add hinges and where to place them for irregular shapes and using stainless steel wire, solder sterling terminations to the steel, add a hook clasp and complete your project.

Students are guided through the process along with discussion, case studies and actual examples of problems as well as their solutions. We will explore the interplay of movement and functionality in jewelry and the approach from the wearer’s point of view (ie: does it sit funny on the neck, is it too heavy, does the pendant flop over). The real benefit to this class is learning how to engineer your jewelry projects as you discover solutions to common design and fabrication challenges. Step-by-step handouts are supplied along with samples. Basic fabrication and soldering required.
The workshop will be held at Creator Haven in Watsonville and the cost will be $300 plus a $35 kit fee. Students also supply their own 2 by 4 sheet of 24g (or 22 is ok) sterling silver. (Some will be available for purchase.) Workshop dates: February 3-5, 2017.
We expect this to be a quick sell out, so register now! Registration closes on January 20.
You must be a member of MBMAG to enroll in this workshop. Not an MBMAG member yet? Join now.
The coordinator for this workshop is Pat Evans, contact her here: