Winter Party January 11, 2015! Guest Speaker Emiko Oye!

Winter Party January 11, 2015! Guest Speaker Emiko Oye!


Mark your calendars! The MBMAG community will ring in the new year at Haute Enchilada in Moss Landing, Sunday, January 11, 2015 at high noon!  Here are the details:

Location:  Haute Enchilada, Moss Landing, 7902 MOSS LANDING ROAD, MOSS LANDING    831-633-5843\

12:00 – Pin Swap and Hors d’oeuveres caterd by Haute Enchilada
Bring as many or as few pins as you like, Get crazy and creative – anything goes.
There is no potluck this year, we’d appreciate it if you let us know if you’re coming so we order enough food!
1:00  Meeting and Announcements
Very short meeting and announcements
2:00Talk by Emiko Oye,
Emiko Oye, noted jeweler, user of recycled and green materials, and past President of the San Francisco MAG.