Mark your calendars! The MBMAG community will ring in the new year at Haute Enchilada in Moss Landing, Sunday, January 11, 2015 at high noon! Here are the details:
Location: Haute Enchilada, Moss Landing, 7902 MOSS LANDING ROAD, MOSS LANDING 831-633-5843\
12:00 – Pin Swap and Hors d’oeuveres caterd by Haute Enchilada
Bring as many or as few pins as you like, Get crazy and creative – anything goes.
There is no potluck this year, we’d appreciate it if you let us know if you’re coming so we order enough food!
1:00 – Meeting and Announcements
Very short meeting and announcements
2:00 – Talk by Emiko Oye,
Emiko Oye, noted jeweler, user of recycled and green materials, and past President of the San Francisco MAG.