Tag: metal sculpture
Benefits of being an MBMAG member
The Monterey Bay Metal Arts Guild (MBMAG) is a diverse guild comprised of artists, collectors, professional art educators, practitioners, gallerists, advocates, and new enthusiasts of metalsmithing. We welcome all people at all levels of experience and appreciation for making art in metal. Our members live in many diverse locations. Everyone is welcome to join from…
Call for Artists: Back to the Future Exhibition
ZFolio Gallery in Monterey, CA December 6, 2019 – January 5, 2020Reception: December 8, 2019Registration Opens September 1 through October 25, 2019 Monterey Bay Metal Arts Guild is pleased to present a gallery exhibition opportunity this fall. ZFolio is one of MBMAG’s favorite places to exhibit – beautiful setting, knowledgeable and helpful staff. Schedule: Call…
Water|Metal Exhibit at the Santa Cruz Art League
WATER | METAL All Member Exhibit at the Santa Cruz Art League July 19 – Sept 15, 2019 The Guild is co-exhibiting with the Santa Cruz Watercolor Society. Small sculpture and artisan jewelry are featured in up to three pieces from each artist are on exhibit and for sale. Each piece of handmade art showcases…
Call for Artists: Mind, Hand & Heart
The Monterey Bay Metal Arts Guild announces a call for artists to exhibit in Mind, Heart & Hand: From the Metal Artist’s Studio, December 6, 2013 – February 4, 2014. After much planning and coordination with the Museum of Art and History at the McPherson Center, the MBMAG Exhibition Committee is pleased to announce a…