Call for Artists: Back to the Future Exhibition

Call for Artists: Back to the Future Exhibition

ZFolio Gallery in Monterey, CA

December 6, 2019 – January 5, 2020
Reception: December 8, 2019
Registration Opens September 1 through October 25, 2019

Monterey Bay Metal Arts Guild is pleased to present a gallery exhibition opportunity this fall.   ZFolio is one of MBMAG’s favorite places to exhibit – beautiful setting, knowledgeable and helpful staff.


Call for Entry:  Opens Sept. 1st, and closes Oct. 25th.

Oct. 25th:  Delivery of work to Zfolio for those who want their work considered for the postcard – Zfolio will photograph and select work for postcard.

Sunday, Nov. 17th:  Records and Labels due.

Saturday, Nov. 30th:  collect work in Santa Cruz area.  Sunday Dec. 1st collect work in Monterey area.

Artists may submit up to three pieces of work.  The materials preferred are silver and gold with a minor amount of inclusions of gems, stones or other materials.  Artists will provide an inventory of their work, photos and bios for an Artist’s Book.

All pieces submitted to this show must be for sale and priced with commission to the gallery in mind. (ZFolio Gallery 50%, Artist 50%).  Please do not contact the gallery directly.  The theme, “Back to the Future” may be interpreted as you wish.  All entrants will receive additional information.

The entry fee is $25.00.  Entry fees are non-refundable and you must be a current MBMAG member.  Membership sign up on or after Oct. 15th gives you membership through 12/31/2020. 

Zfolio has an online presence

We look forward to working with you.  Toni Danzig and Annette Nemes, Exhibit Coordinators.