Metal Arts Resources

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Free Image Editing Software

Snapseed for iOS and Android

Google Photos for iOS, Android and Windows

IrfanView is the simplest full feature program to use, Windows only

GIMP for iOS, GNU/Linux, and Windows

Document Creation, Editing & Viewing Software

OpenOffice office suite allows anyone to view create or edit text documents and spreadsheets, and to read .doc and .docx documents. OpenOffice includes the option to save in the virus-free PDF format, while preserving the original formatting of documents. For Mac or Windows

Adobe Reader view PDF documents.
For Mac or Windows

More Resources are Available in the Member Resources Section

Login to view all the resources available to members for free
A few of the resource types:

Photography for Metal Art Video Sessions and Resources

Social Media and Marketing How-To Video Sessions and Resources

Compilation of Artist’s Collateral How-To-Create Documents

Local colleges and universities with jewelry, small metals, and sculpture programs

Additional Metal Art Resources:

Ethical Metalsmiths
SNAG Society of North American Goldsmiths (visit the Discounts page for a membership discount!)
SNAG Professional Guidelines
Ganoksin the complete gem & jewelry making information resource
Metal Arts Guild San Francisco Compendium of contemporary jewelers / jewelry designers / goldsmiths / metal artists

Crafting Sustainability within Jewelry and Metal Arts (CCA)
Society of American Silversmiths: Safer Alternatives for Metal Artists

ECO Jewelry Handbook by Christine Dhein
Green Jewelry News Archive by Christine Dhein

Responsible Sourcing Roadmap by Christina T. Miller
Ethical Metalsmiths Gemstone Supplier Conversation Guidelines
Responsible Jewellery Council
Ethical Metalsmiths: Avoiding ‘Recycled Gold’ Greenwashing