Learn Metal Art Skills
In-person and online workshops, seminars, lectures and demonstrations are some of the many ways we help our artist members learn more about making art in metal along with other skills to help artists promote their art and art business
The guild sponsors locally held, and on-line, workshops teaching a wide range of metal art skills. Want to learn how to organize a workshop? We’ve got you covered!
Marketing Metal Art
Yup, our art needs to be shared before people can see our new creations. Click above for tips and videos.
Artist Biography
& Artists Statement
Still wondering “What is the difference?!”? The helpful links will explain and walk you through how to create or update your own.
Demonstrations & Seminars
Check the Events page for upcoming demos and seminars. In the meantime, members may watch videos of recorded sessions for free.
Leverage Social Media Sharing
Members’ social media posts can be shared on our guild accounts, leading to more eyes on your upcoming events and newest creations.
Metal Art Photography
Whether you create tiny shiny objects or large matte objects, photographing metal art can be a challenge.
Learn As You Volunteer
Our friendly MBMAG board of directors is happy to help you learn anything from how to send out a facebook post for the guild, to how to organize a workshop or exhibit, or guild party, or how be at the helm of the guild.