Welcome the 2024 MBMAG Board

Welcome the 2024 MBMAG Board

a list of all the board members who were voted in for 2024. Patricia Evans as president, Josh Stender as VP, Fereshteh Fatemi as Treasurer¿Dorien Green as Membership Chair, Penny Waller as board secretary, Toni Danzig as Exhibition Chair, Lynne Todaro as Social Media Chair and 8 other members as Members at Large

Thank you to all members who voted. We are welcoming one new board member and other members have transitioned to new roles. The 2024 build board looks forward to the coming year, our first full year as a 501(c)(3) non-profit! MBMAG qualified to transition from our 501(c)(4) non-profit status, retroactive to May 10, 2023. We remain a CA nonprofit public benefit corporation.