Angie Gleason and Lynn Guenther:
Hammering Away – Art, Education, and Environment
Friday, Dec 11, 2019, 6:30-8:30 PM
Don’t miss this month’s MBMAG Speaker Series
We’ll be meeting at Cabrillo College Jewelry Room #3001
The event is free and open to the public

Presenters Angela Gleason and Lynn Guenther will talk about their work and how to make to make a meaningful life with creative practice.
Angela will talk about her work and her opening SCRAP exhibit. Lynn will show a short video about her teaching trip to Rosebud Reservation and talk a bit about other educational programs that she is involved in.
Lynn is collecting tools and donations to complete the “tool kit” she left for the students to use at the school on Rosebud Reservation. Below is what they are missing. You can bring any donations to the meeting.

Lynn says, “Fortunately some artists were very generous with materials last year, but the kids are using them and they could always use more if people want to donate any extra stuff they have. 20 or 18 gauge copper would be helpful, too, for bracelets.”
Supplies Needed
- 15-20 design stamps (expensive, $8 each!)
- alphabet stamps
- number stamps
- 3 ball pein hammers
- rawhide or Delrin hammer
- drill
- drill bits
- 3 more saws
- 3 bench pins
- saw blades
- bracelet mandrel
- cutting shears
- gloves
- patina
- pliers
- wire cutters
- files
- Sheet metal: Copper, brass, nickel
- Stones and beads
- Cash donations towards tools and materials are also welcome