By Patty Reilly
In a few weeks, MBMAG members will have the opportunity to take a workshop from writer, educator, and master metal smith, Andy Cooperman, who is one of the top artists in our field. According to a recent article in Art Jewelry magazine (Jan. 2007), Andy Cooperman creates dense microcosms from metal, stone, and salvaged artifacts that invite viewers into the investigative process.
To paraphrase his web site, his visual vocabulary is grounded in science, inspired by the shapes of cells and organisms. He is known for using industrial and biological forms to make complex, multi-layered pieces with broken surfaces that create windows from layer to layer. His creative use of cold connections is an integral part of his designs.
Andy Cooperman is also a writer. His articles and essays on jewelry, jewelers and their processes have been published in Metalsmith Magazine, Ornament, and Lapidary Journal and he is a frequent and generous contributer to the Orchid forums on the Ganoksin website.
For more information about Andy Cooperman and his work, check out his fabulous website, There are gorgeous pictures with detailed descriptions of each piece. It is a fascinating look at this artist’s thought processes. There is also a portion of the website that offers essays on issues that we all deal with as artists. He has clear and eloquent articles on procrastination, craftsmanship, and the jurying process. The website alone is an educational experience.
This workshop will be an excellent opportunity to learn from a multi-faceted artist who is known as a talented educator. His classes are full of information and insight and it is an honor for our guild to be able to host this workshop.