Category: Completed Member Challenges

  • Vote: 2021 Winter Design Challenge

    Vote: 2021 Winter Design Challenge

    We can all agree, this has been a stressful and strange year. We asked our members to take the challenge of showing us how they view the future. Thank you to four very creative people who submitted the work shown below. Please scroll down to vote for your favorites by listing 1st choice, 2nd choice…

  • Winter 2021 Design Challenge and Virtual Party

    Winter 2021 Design Challenge and Virtual Party

    Members attend Free! MBMAG 2021 Virtual Winter Partywith Featured Speaker Jeannie Prattand2021 Winter Challenge Results Party Time:Zoom, January 24, 2021 from 1 – 4 pm Challenge: Entries due by January 10! Scroll down for more information. Party details Members join us free on Zoom, January 24,  2021 from 1-4 pm for our annual winter party.…

  • Summer 2020 Design Challenge Results

    Summer 2020 Design Challenge Results

    Last January we challenged the membership to create a wearable piece of work which would include at least eight pieces from a kit.  The results were fantastic and creative as we would expect.  The pieces were voted on earlier this month and winners elected by the members, as shown here. The winners were announced by…

  • Vote: 2020 Design Challenge

    Members voted for their top 3 designs. Voting ended midnight Oct 14, 2020. We received 10 entries for the 2020 Design Challenge, they are shown below in random order. Click on any image to see a larger version. You can then click left and right to see each image. We overlooked an entry and have…