Call to Action

MBMAG Volunteer Roles Vote for the 2024 guild board! The process is easy and quick for current members.
Links Project Create a link that’s unique to you and join onto the links project. Click for details.
Help Guide the Guild Curious about what is coming up for the guild? Would you like to give your ideas and opinions to the board directly? Would you like to help with upcoming events? Would you like to help guide the guild? All members are welcome to join us at a board meeting
Submit Your Metal Art News Members: Information on your Workshop / Exhibition / Class / Sale can be shown on this web page If you are planning to give a class or a demonstration, or participate in a sale, open studios, an exhibit or an activity of interest to the members of MBMAG, it is now possible to show the […]
Member Poll: Do you have a Rio Grande or Otto Frei Account? We are counting the % of members who have accounts with these companies in preparation for non-profit donor qualification process. Your name will not be shared with either company and your votes will not be shown publicly.