Author: Editor

  • MBMAG Winter Party 2012!

    Sunday January 11, 2012 we held our annual MBMAG Winter Party at the Haute Enchilada restaurant in Moss Landing, CA. Guest speaker Emiko Oye gave us an inspiring talk on her work and creative process. We enjoyed seeing so many faces of our metal arts community.

  • Help Needed: Identify Link Artists!

    Help Needed: Identify Link Artists!

    We need help crediting artists who made some of the links in our MBMAG Link Project. We have been tasked with labeling this work for the August opening of Surf, Sand, Silversmiths show at PVAC. Our deadline for labeling is July 15.

  • MBMAG showing at Art Walk in Capitola June 19th

    The Monterey Bay Metal Arts Guild will be showing at the Art Walk in the Capitola Mall Friday June19th, 5:30-8:30 pm. There will be Hawaiian Music, Wine Tasting with Bargetto Winery and fun! Please join us, the event is free…

  • Allcraft Tools Comes to Town – May 31. 2015

    The Monterey Bay Metal Arts Guild invites you and your friends to a very special sale on Sunday May 31st in Soquel. CA. (just down the road from Santa Cruz) It is a rare thing when Tevel from Allcraft Tools comes to town.  He will be here with hammers, mallets and this wonderful list: german hammers Eid Longhi no…

  • Getting Ready to Sell Your Work

    So you’re ready to start selling your work. Congratulations! You’ve worked hard to: Free Advice from SCORE of Santa Cruz :